Il Mosaico dell’Umanità

35°29'36.6'' N 12°36'19.8'' E

Il Mosaico dell’Umanità

35°29'36.6'' N 12°36'19.8'' E

Lampedusa represents a land of landing

and at the same time the mirage of hope of a new life for those who are forced to flee from the lands in which they were born

Roberto Joppolo

In Piazza Garibaldi, in Lampedusa, on a block of stone, there is a crucifix that relentlessly reflects the sun that is mirrored on the mosaic tiles that compose it. Inaugurated on June 20, 2018, the work of Viterbo artist Roberto Joppolo, is an iron structure in the shape of a Latin cross 2.5 meters high, formed by many polychrome ceramic tiles representing the faces of humanity that converge towards the figure of the Holy Father, symbol of universal brotherhood, on the front, and in the back, towards St. Francis, master of universal brotherhood. Pope Francis himself blessed it before its installation in Lampedusa, and there are two other examples, placed one in Viterbo and one in Costa Rica, in San José, home of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the University of Peace of that country which, since 1948, has abolished armed forces.

The reflections, the colours, are a kaleidoscope of humanity, represented in its diversity, which is a richness, not a division.

Podcast: History of Lampedusa - 5^ episode

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